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Posts for Thursday, January 10, 2008 (item)

Quick Answers to your questions

Posted at 8:49 PM
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We have several new visitors and many people have questions so here's some quick answers.
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The blog looks this way cause pops was trying to get things working right while I was trying to find the right template and colors. pops got po'ed because he'd make a change and when he loaded the blog, everything was different. He made me go away.

Is that one of our pussies on our Google account - what do you think? I will say it is NOT pops

Nope Lisa and Dani are not our real names. What are they ? FUCK OFF

Anal is actually Annie (real name). Anal is her nickname cause she is.

bbs is actually, well bbs (her real nickname)

pops is a derogatory nickname for, well pops - once the ABCs (Aanl, bbs and clueless (me)) were swimming laps. pops came out to watch (our asses not our swimming) and mom bet him he could not beat any of us (she just wanted him to quit looking at our asses and to get some exercise).

Pops jumped in and started swimming with us. Well pops son (10 years older) was making fun of him and called him pops because he was so slow - like an OLD person. You know see some old guy shuffling down the streets and call him pops?

Sometimes he acts old but others he's a kid. In the end anal had a cramp so she was standing at one end and we were all joking around at the other because pops was so out of breath. Mom told us to line up, race time. Then she told anal to turn around and bend over - let pops see the goods.

Anal bent over and mom yelled go and pops was standing on the other end before any of the rest of us touched. He also picked up anal and they disappeared. When they didn't come back for thirty minutes we went looking and could not find them.

They showed back up and acted very shy and reserved (as my other says) and pops son asked anal how was it and she said he's pops - but the" 's " in he's was so soft we all thought she said he pops. Been his name ever since.

Nope, pops is NOT my father. He is also NOT my dad. He is a family friend with benefits - BIG ones - and one of his POPS

Lisa is one of my mother' best friends/co-worker and she is visiting so that pops and I can get to know her. She has my mother's blessing - do what you want, just leave him alive for me. She is just a few years older then me. And yes, I'm old enough to vote and drink and think for myself.

We live in a house on earth. We are currently staying at our cabin, which as the name would imply that there is a body of water nearby - we have four - two rivers, a lake and a pond/ice rink (stocked).

Yes, we are nudist but only in/around our property. Very few people know. (Anal and bbs know but we are clothed around them. We can almost count on our hands the people who know. Our siblings do not know.

I have two moms - Mother (mom) is my real mother. momtoo (get it?) is the other and was there when I was born - she just was not in pain. [Ed. Note (with mother's blessing) moms are gay - but they did not know it until late twenties]

To our neighbors we are a fun loving normal family, fairly private with eclectic tastes.

Anything else just ask - if you get a smart ass answer - then we won't answer.

1 Bitches:

miss lucy said...

speaking of which - how old are you?
oh well i live in Australia
so school doesnt go back for another 4 weeks or so

im going on holidays tomorow for a bit so maybe ill get a chance to write something then. that sort of writing has always interested me.
ill let you know if i do.

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