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Posts for Friday, September 19, 2008 (item)

Tugboat Hell – Part Two - Sep 10 2008 by Lisa

Posted at 9:40 PM
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I was introduced as their caretaker. I think she thought I was a whore the way she dismissed me. I noticed she was not a girl up close but time had been nice to her.

The Captain said something and Stubby agreed and Captain pushed both throttles forward. The previous noises, vibration and smells returned.

Again it was five minutes before I noticed a change in our position. Then we started moving forward but still slightly to starboard.

Captain moved the rudder and I noticed an almost immediate but very slight movement.

An hour after boarding and Captain starting the motors, we were finally in the main channel heading for the Clark bridge.

After spending two hours watching the river go by, I asked why they were serious but I guess I picked a bad time – Stubby shushed me and ignored me. I decided to explore.

Rita, the forty something wife of a crew member took me on a tour. The galley was spotless and a formerly attractive older lady was making cornbread or some kind of bread.

I also smelled meatloaf or some kind of meat. Rita asked if I wanted to walk the barges. Sure I said. She gave me a life jacket built into a harness that had about a four foot rope attached to it with a large clip on one end.

She taught me how to hook myself to the safety cable and how to move the clip past the upright pipes holding the safety cable. One hand always on the cable while the clip was open.

It took us several minutes to walk to the front. I noticed several No Smoking signs and Warning: High Pressure signs but didn’t really give it much thought.

When we got to the front I heard a pop and hiss then smelled natural gas.

I broke out in a cold sweat. I asked Rita what we were hauling. Well it was then that I realized I was on top of a very explosive cargo and could not wait to get back to the tug although it offered no real safety. The two barges at the front of the boat contained Propane.

I hate propane. I’ve seen what happens when a rail car explodes and the damage an exploding small residential tank can do to a man.

Captain offered to call Cheese and have him come get me. I declined. If others could do it, I could. Stubby apologized for shushing me but I forgave him – I wanted all his attention on those barges.

Then Stubby mentioned a vibration and Captain agreed. I broke out in a cold sweat. He called Cheese and they figure the port propeller or shaft is probably bent. I was hoping we would have to turn back. No such luck.

Rita said it has been that way for about two weeks. I asked how often she made the trip and she said every weekend. Her half sister lives in Arkansas City and she visits during the layover.

At lunch the cook brought a big tray up with three plates and silverware and serving plates and bowls in the center.

Captain said if we didn’t finish it, the cook might get mad. I was not sure if I liked the way it smelled. Meatloaf, mash potatoes, corn, carrots, green beans, big dinner rolls, cornbread and chocolate cake all with a side of sulfur from the diesel exhaust.

We three ate everything and Captain even called asking for more coffee. I told Captain she cooked better then he did. He agreed. Then he said he was teasing when he told me the cook would get mad if we didn’t eat it all.

Stubby lit a cigarette and I asked if he knew what the fuck he was doing. He told me it was safe back here. Then Captain lit a cigar and I saw the cook standing at the stern smoking.

I took one of Stubby’s and joined her. She has to be one of the nicest ladies I had ever met.

She had worked for Cheese since his first boat – 20 years. Didn’t start cooking until five year ago when she demonstrated it would be cheaper for her to cook then for Cheese to pay food allowances to his crew.

Now guys fight to get on one of her trips. Sometimes she cooks for many more and the tugs meet up on the river for her food and a break. I understood why.

We went back for more coffee and back out for another smoke.

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