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Posts for Wednesday, April 16, 2008 (item)

Lisa's Daily Update

Posted at 3:05 PM
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My meeting with the stained glass artist went very well and we all witnessed just how good an artist Captain is.

Captain tried to leave last night because he feels he was wearing out his welcome. Pops laughed and yelled for a family meeting. He explained why the Captain was going to leave. Dani told him he could not leave – she needed his support – she could not be abandoned by two men in one day. He actually felt bad until Jen and William explained why they were still here.
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That’s when Pops got out the blueprints for the boat house and pointed to a large area in the front corner of the boat house – sometime since the plans had been drawn or printed or whatever, someone had used a marker and drawn in some walls and labeled the area Captain’s Suite – Private.

Yesterday the contractor had explained to Pops he needed to add more support under one particular wall because so many windows had been added. Pops approved it and also approved a series of skylights in that area.

He was going to surprise the Captain when the construction was done but also worried that maybe the Captain should have some input on the floor plan. He told the Captain the living quarters would be included in his salary – he did not want him to feel he had to live on the boat and when it was docked in the boathouse he would hate it anyway – no views outside.

Captain had mentioned to Pops that his house was too damn big for him and he had a couple who wanted to buy it. The Captain wanted to build a small cabin near the river and was looking for some ground. Pops showed him on the map where he could build and Stubby had pointed out the best places and even suggested he build near Stubby on his land.

This way, Pops solved all the Captain’s problems. And Stubby could still visit because most of the boat house would be built in the water. And since we are at normal flood stage, if you can ever call flooding normal, they would know exactly where the water levels would be during all stages. It was a win-win situation.

Plus Pops liked the idea of having someone around all year round like he has at home. Then Captain used his thumb and told Pops his suite was too big- it was bigger then his current house. Pops told him he wanted to make sure he had plenty of room – if he keeps attracting women at the rate he is now, he will need the whole upper floor. We girls warned him to limit his pussy – he was just barely keeping pace with them as it was. Pops told him to ignore us – we were very possessive.

We girls used a different way to make him stay. We told him if he left us we would shut him off for a week. All he said was good but he told Pops that would kill him.

So Captain will move in when construction is done and in the meantime he will ‘bunny hop’ (that’s what he called it) between the girls’ rooms making sure we all get a break.

Dani told him to stay on the boat – we would come to him – he was getting too old to walk at night. He got Dani’s ass four or five time with a wooden slat from the blinds. Pops cornered her but she got his nails in his balls and he told the Captain his balls were not expendable.

William surprised her from behind and Captain gave her 5 swats until Pops told them to see how much she liked it. I know he gave her at least 10 more sets of 5 but then she took him to the boat where she could yell without disturbing everyone. Nobody seems to know when she came back to the cabin. I’ll bet she didn’t.

The Lisa Marie still has a problem – one of the engines – diesels – power plants – (they have so many names – how do you keep track of it all) is still tending to overheat.

Captain said he could still sail but it is not safe to run without a fully working backup. There are three or four teams of people working on it right now.

Pops told us yesterday that he will never be able to learn to sail it – too complicated and too may things to remember about the river. Plus his memory is not good. Dani and I were also listening to all the instructions – we have no idea what was being said half the time. But it was fun and we can not wait for the next trip.

So we are all busy with little projects. William just carried about 10 boxes of Pops old notebooks in for Dani. Jen is practicing playing housewife. She decided all the wood in the great room needed waxing – Pops told her a crew comes in to do that and she told Pops he could pay her.

Pops suggested taking it out in trade and Jeni asked on what terms and William suggested inch for inch – 24 inches of wood waxing for 24 inches of wood. It was so funny. Jen pretended to do some calculations in her head and said it would take something like 200 years to get that much wood – since he could only give it to her once a week. Pops and William both grabbed her and told us girls not to wait up – they were going to give her the first year’s wood now. That was two hours ago but I just noticed the three ‘assholes’ (better Identify them – Captain, William and Pops) are all on the top floor of the boat house talking with the contractor. The roof joists are being installed now. The boat house is huge – I think it is almost as big as the cabin.

Someone asked for a description of the cabin. Dani says she started one and will have to find it.

So on it goes – never a dull moment.

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