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Posts for Friday, April 18, 2008 (item)

Dani’s Early Morning Update

Posted at 1:17 AM
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Sorry to bitch so early in the morning but somebody pissed off Pops – I feel sorry for him or her – I have not asked what happened.

The Dani Marie passed her tests – she is very responsive under power but a slow careless bitch when turned loose. She will completely ignore any rudder setting unless water is passing over it. Captain showed me several things and taught me this and that. I have no idea what a rudder is or water passing over it. When I told Captain that he laughed so hard he was crying and he told me if I did not want to learn just always do exactly what he told me.
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When he told me to show my breasts I did without hesitation. We were going pass another ship and they let me know they saw.

Captain is still smiling but I am processing everything he says to me before I blindly do it. I figured later last night I would stick the paddle up his ass sideways. He left to start packing stuff at home. He also needed to get some clothes, we are going down river for a trip. Not sure how far yet. So his punishment will have to wait.

Annie and Lisa are going through the kitchen cabinets and stocking the galley with whatever they can put together. They have already sorted through the meat in the freezer and stocked the fridge.

William suggested he and Jen start packing clothes but Jen told him it would not take long. Since all the girls were close to the same size, they just needed a few swimsuits, some robes, some boat shoes and some long pants and wind breakers. She figures that would last us until next spring. I am pretty sure she will be right.

What do you say when a ship leaves? All aboard or is that a train? I can not remember.

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