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Posts for Monday, April 14, 2008 (item)

Jeni’s Question and Answers

Posted at 2:05 AM
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Thanks for all the well wishes and congratulations. I really appreciate it and I had no idea how many readers this blog had. I’d heard the numbers but when Dani, Lisa and Annie forwarded all the Imail and Pops told me I needed to moderate comments – wow.
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Some of you made me cry. Thank you very much. It also gave me a reason to introduce William to our little secret – we’ve been hiding it from him. He has read my story about him three or four times already and Pops printed him a copy a little while ago before he left.

Many people have questions so I will answer some of the most common.

Q: How old is William – you have not said?
A: You are correct – I have not said.

Q: How big is his dick?
A: Perfect size – Dani says a bit too long, Lisa says Ass sized, BBs said pretty fucking nice, Moms said Great and Annie says another two inches and she would fight me for him.

Q: Is he the president of your division or the owner of your company?
A: Yes

Q: Does he have children?
A: Yes – both are older then my sister.

Q: Are you and BBs still in love?
A: BBs? She says always.

Q: How will you and William announce your engagement at work?
A: I want to fuck him in his office while everyone watches. Instead he sent a company wide email to everyone early this morning – I have no idea how I will get to my office from the ground floor when we go back – I took another week off – So I’ll worry about it next Sunday.

Q: How old are you?
A: I can buy drinks in any bar – if I have enough money.

Q: Do you think you are ready for marriage again?
A: I’ll let you know – in five years.

Q: Do you want children?
A: I already have four. Dani, Annie, BBs and Deni – sometimes five – William.

Q: Have you slowed fucked William?
A: Yes, several times – he is just now learning to be patient.

Q: Are you guys moving near Pops cabin?
A: We have looked at two place but Pops suggested we build – he has 10 acres here and 15 on the other side of the river plus Stubby has 10 for sale farther upriver. So I am not sure – it is not my money and Pops suggested William take his time and make sure we really like it here - It is not for everyone.

Q: Isn’t Deni your boss?
A: Yes but bigger problem – William is Deni’s immediate supervisor. Deni does not know the whole story and William and Annie have been talking about it. William told me I could quit work – I will NEVER let a man support me. So stay tuned.

Q: Am I in love – two days ago I would have said no – it was lust – but now ? The feelings I have are not sexual except when we are being sexual – the feelings I have are not like a crush although many times I feel like I am acting that way. The feelings I have: contentment, security, trusted, valued, respected, satisfied, loved – tell me I am in love. So yes I am – and I’ve just admitted it for the first time.

Q: Will I get married before the five years are up?
A: If he slow fucks me like he did earlier again – then maybe.

Q: What does Pops say?
A: He told me to take 10 years. If things are good a piece of paper will not change a fucking thing. But he also told us together to figure out a way to put our finances together but keep them separate. From now on every thing should be a joint decision EXCEPT for business decisions. He told me to keep my nose out of William’s business decisions. William got where he is without me so don’t fuck him up now. I understand.

Q & A: Yes, we have fucked others since we met. Yes , he loves it – yes I love it. His favorite is watching me and BBs. He admits Annie is the best of us girls and since we already knew that, there is no problem.

Q: Will I answer anything?
A: Go for it – never hurts to ask.

Q: Will I finish my first time story?
A: Yes, in fact I’ll post the next part tomorrow afternoon IF William will keep his dick to himself.

There was one more about the dynamics of BBs, Deni and my relationship and adding William to the mix. When William first fucked BBs, Deni told him how to make her crazy. When Deni fucked me, he told William how to make me crazy.

When I fucked BBs, Deni and William both got so horny that Annie took care of both of them at the same time – while they all watched BBs and I finish and while Annie told them why we were doing what we were doing.

No problems yet – except my linen closet ran out of sheets – Annie said that has never happened in that bedroom before. Moms told Lisa to order me more sheets. Pops told William to be a man and sleep in the wet spot. I told Pops the problem was not a wet spot – it was much larger area – like the whole bed.

That’s when Pops told William to quit making me squirt – it would dehydrate me and we’d run out of sheets faster. That afternoon there was a bunch of sheets from momtoo’s room in my linen closet. They match my decor. There were also three cases of drinking water and a giant cooler full of ice and a giant drinking glass with my name on it.

But there was something else – the instructions said to wrap it around my head making sure it was properly seated in my mouth and tied where I could not reach it. William laughed and laughed but I do not know what it is. And nobody will tell me. They did say it will help with sleep around here and William blushed. I still do not get it but he promised he will show me tonight – if he gets back home.

William got a call about a possible bridge failure in Arkansas. We have fiber under it. I did not hear all the conversation but there were no flights until after 10am – the charter service would not be available until daylight – and driving would be 8 to 10 hours. Pops suggested he take a boat. We all thought he meant the Dani but the Dani has not passed all tests yet and one engine is iffy – that’s why Cheese towed it here.

He meant Cheese and his tug. Pops called and Cheese told them he could have them there before daybreak and he knew lots of people in the area. Cheese was here 20 minutes later – William told Deni he might as well learn the ground operations and canceled the last day of his vacation. Pops was going too but Lisa grounded him – he has a doctor’s appointment at 9am. Pops was really disappointed but William told him I and BBs would make it up to him.

Of course he did not ask us first – he just gave us away. BBs commented that if he keeps doing that I might have to marry him by the end of he month. She might be right.

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