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Posts for Tuesday, February 12, 2008 (item)

Lisa’s Daily Update

Posted at 4:32 PM
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I just saw Jen off to home on the train. The company plane was not able to make the daily trip due to freezing rain.
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She loves my apartment – said it was four times as big as her current one and she even offered to buy almost all of my furniture. All I really wanted was a roll top desk I had refinished to put in my bedroom at the cabin where I hoped we would be staying most the time.

Even though it was less than twenty degrees we walked to her new workplace to have lunch with Denny. She could not believe how close it was. Denny commented that it would be a perfect fucking nest – Jen reminded him of the rules – his wife had to be in the same room for that to happen. He frowned and said he’d try to get that changed.

He took a call and I asked her about the rules and us. She asked what rules we had and I just smiled. At least she didn’t say no.

We went to eat and he had invited his boss along. His boss told her he was able to keep her at the same pay scale and that she could start Monday if she wanted. We immediately started making plans to move the stuff she wanted to bring and how to get rid of the rest.

Her new boss suggested she call a guy he knew up there that did a lot of auction work and handed her his phone after he talked to him for a few minutes.

He will meet her Saturday afternoon and take whatever she does not want and charge her ten percent of the take when he sells it.

Pops had already told me I could rent a truck and drive up to get her stuff and bring it back. Him and Dani would find a couple of local guys to help and follow me up.

Everything is falling into place. When we got back to my/her new place, my landlord had left a lease for her to sign and my canceled lease with a check for my deposit.

I handed her the check and told her to have them apply it to her lease. Then we set at her new kitchen table and discussed whatever came to mind. I called BBs and asked her what rules applied to Jen and me.

She told me to put her on speaker and said, “Jen, I want you to do whatever you want. I am a married woman but I am in lust with you. As long as you promise to fuck me and Denny, you are invited too Lisa, once in a while we’ll all live happily ever after.

“And you also can do something for me on a regular basis. Keep my husband horny at work but you can’t satisfy him unless I am there. I want to be raped each time he walks in the door.”

Jen said absolutely and we said good-bye. She dialed another number and Denny answered. She told him to shut up, listen and just hang up if things got out of hand at work.

The she described exactly what she was doing to me as she did it. He suggested one thing and she did it too. Then we heard him come. She told him she didn’t say he could come. But she kept on with me and he told her he was getting close again, women fucking was just so hot, could he come over and Jen told him to go rape his wife and she closed the phone.

We spent the next hour fucking each other and then her old boss called to tell her about the plane. He asked why she was out of breath and she said she had been eating pussy. Her old boss didn’t believe her and knew she liked to shock people.

I fired up my portable looking for another flight and she mentioned that the train to Chicago made a stop about five miles from where she lived. We checked and had thirty minutes to make it. I had no idea where the train station was.

As it turned out it was two blocks from me and she had plenty of time. Before she boarded she told me that she had one problem. I told her I had the same problem - I still liked dicks more then pussy. She laughed and we hugged and kissed goodbye.

She is a very nice person.

1 Bitches:

Dani said...

Lisa - this is absolutely great news. Pops really likes Jen. I'll call Larry, he'll know a couple of guys that can help. Pops says they can drive the truck up and you and us will follow them with the jimmy for the delicates.

He just needs to know how bug a truck they'll need.

He'll have th guys take a load up to a recycling center up there and the company will pay for everything.

This is great - when are you coming home?

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