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Posts for Friday, October 3, 2008 (item)

Stubby’s Wood World Four – Oct 3 2008 by Dani

Posted at 6:01 PM
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When you first look at the village, you wonder how one man could have carved so much is so short a time.

I started counting individual pieces and reached a hundred in the scene showing his first cabin. I would guess there might be over five hundred pieces counting the trees in just that scene.

I was amazed so I asked how long it had taken him. He said he had been working on it for over a decade (my brain was in freeze mode and I thought a decade was fifty years – silly me).

He asked what I wanted him to carve and I just shrugged my shoulders. He led me to his workshop, which was cleaner then my room and had as much tabletop space as the village but the space was filled with all sorts of machines.

I saw several what he called upright belt sanders each having a different size belt from maybe a sixteenth of an inch to three or four inches wide.

He poked around in a box full of what he called blanks and pulled out a piece about six inches square.

He sat at a table in the middle of the room that had hundreds of tools – mostly differently shaped knives. He knew exactly where each tool was and almost never looked to pick the next one up.

He started cutting long slivers of wood from the piece and in minutes had shaped a head, neck and shoulders from the block.

I noticed he used his left thumb as a ‘stop’ he called it. I wondered aloud how he kept from cutting himself and he ran his left thumb and index finger over the back of my hand. It felt like an emery board – the calluses were very rough. Years of carving.

In a few more minutes I noticed a face appearing – the nose, lips, eye sockets all appearing as if magic – but in very rough form – more like an outline.

He used a pencil to draw some lines at different places then moved to one of the sanding machines.

Its startup noise surprised me but he just turned a couple of knobs and held a brush against the belt for a couple of seconds then started sanding.

About ten minutes later and three different machines he was done and moved to a set of pans that looked like buffet serving trays except the tops fit tightly.

He dipped the carving into one tray then used a hair dryer to dry it. He used another machine with a disc of what looked like the fuzzies on my slippers and robes. The piece started to shine then he repeated the dipping and drying but put it in what appeared to be a pizza oven.

I had yet to see the front of the carving but it had long hair and female like shoulders.. It looked like a bust from about mid chest up.

Then he went back to his blank box and pulled out an inch square piece about a foot long.

He went to a different machine and started sanding. His back was towards me and I could not see what he was doing.

After a few minutes he went back to the trays and brushed something on the wood. It looked like very dark stain.

He dried it and did some more sanding then repeated the brushing. Then he dipped it and placed it on a wire rack.

It looked like a tree trunk. He went to his carving table and picked up a few slivers. He backed away and lit a smoke. I frowned then he started talking about his first days in the old cabin.

I wished I had a tape recorder but I took notes the best I could in my head. I’ll share those later.

When he finished his cigarette he grabbed the tree trunk, dried it and grabbed a very small long tool. It looked liked he was poking holes in the trunk. After ten minutes he handed me a miniature tree – deadwood he called it. Leafs took a little longer. The slivers formed the branches.

Then he went to the pizza oven, pulled out the carving hiding it from me and grabbed what looked like a pot scrubber – he told me it was steel wool. After a couple of minutes he went back to the fuzzy machine and he handed me a bust of myself.

I was looking in a mirror. There was not a lot of detail but my hair looked freshly brushed but a couple of strands were out of place.

My eyes were soft and big – bedroom eyes Pops calls them. He had my dimples and my nipples. The bust ended just below my nipples. They looked like my tits.

I could not believe it. I stared at him. I said thank you and he said he could make a top for me – I told him hell no – I liked my tits. He laughed and asked if I wanted anything else.

When I said what I wanted he laughed and took my hand leading me outside. We stopped in front of a dead tree he said it was not big enough around but might be tall enough. He could add some pieces to give it width.

It was the biggest dead tree we could see. I laughed – any guesses what I asked for?

A real sized replica of his cock.

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