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Posts for Tuesday, September 30, 2008 (item)

Red’s Dilemma – Sep 30 2008 703 by Dani

Posted at 7:57 AM
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On school days Red’s kids come over around 6 am to have breakfast and get ready for school with Liz.

Pops usually teases them or quizzes them on their school work.

This morning the mood was depressed. Liz and gB felt bad discussing anything since B could not participate. Pops tried to cheer them up but it did not work.

I started to plan a trip to Grannie’s in my head but stopped when I realized B could not come with us.

Then Red showed up and I could tell she had been crying. Lisa and I were getting ready to leave but I hated leaving Red in her condition – we could all tell she was near a breaking point.

Pops pulled me aside and said he would email or text me about her – he would handle it.

Half way to school Pops texted that Red felt she was being too harsh even though she knows she MUST get B’s attention.

Pops asked for suggestions – I read Lisa the message and we were both silent for a couple of miles. Lisa suggested giving B conversation privileges the two hours during breakfast and getting ready for school.

I texted Pops and he responded a few minutes later with several smiles and the note Red LIKES.

Superwoman gave her presentation this morning in our first class and dropped a chart she made – her response was FUCK! Her audience’s response was total agreement.

Our professor laughed with us then asked Lisa if that was her personal opinion or a group opinion.

He should have known what was coming when the entire group yelled fuck at Lisa’s urging.

It was great and broke the ice and relaxed everyone for their presentations.

At the end of class the professor warned us that he might offend some of us but he wanted to know if we all thought a good and he pointed at Lisa who said ‘fuck’ after which the prof said ‘was the best way to start the day.’

As we all laughed leaving class, several of the students gave him a high five or a pat on the back.

As Lisa left she asked him if it was as good for him as it had been for her. He had to sit down to laugh.

Not to be outdone I sat on his lap, squirmed a little and suggested the next time he brings the whips and chains.

He was in tears when we left.

So it has been a good morning so far. Just as I typed that Red texted Lisa thanks with a promise of great head.

Lisa wanted to go tell the prof but we vetoed her.

And a few minutes later, Pops texted a thx message too but it was signed B. Pops had to have let her use his phone.

0 Bitches:

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