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Posts for Monday, September 29, 2008 (item)

Debby’s First Day – Sep 29 2008 1634 by Dani

Posted at 4:54 PM
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Debby made a big impression today. I was not there but she made three suggestions about the way the girls do things and they all hit their foreheads as if stupid – that’s what Blackmama said. She told me William did a great job.

Blackmama called me about 1130 am and told me I might want to take a close look at things going on. It seemed to be moving too fast. I called G and when she told me she had found three more clients for the new property I chuckled.

She asked what I was laughing at – I commented that my previous experts had the property for about a month and nothing had happened. Now in one day my new expert had almost filled the property. She said they were taking lessons.

Then Kim and Jim called – they told me they could not independently finance the new buildings Debby was proposing. I told them not to worry just call the bank and tell them what they needed.

I called Pops and he decided to check on Debby’s first day. He called me back and told me to smile and relax – everything was going to be fine.

When she went to lunch with Davis and his team of hound dogs, they all loved her, as Pops knew they would.

Davis and company are still trying to decide where she William the most good. Just to keep her busy he asked her to analyze three or four things.

Two hours later she presented him with a verbal report then an hour later gave him a written report WITH suggestions.

Davis sent it to Pops and I read it too. Pops called Davis telling him to look out, his job was in jeopardy. Davis countered that with the fact that he was the one that convinced Pops to hire her.

Pops laughed at that. He called Debby to invite her for drinks and supper if she wanted but she was at the clinic getting tested – she thinks the classmates ordered every fucking test in the books.

She said every hole had been violated and her body had been photographed from every damn angle. Her boobs had been smashed and played with by everyone in the clinic as well as peeks into her vajayjay.

Pops laughed and said she should have followed his advice with the cucumbers.

She countered she was sure they would fit now.

So a good day for Debby.

Time to help with homework. My next post concerns the punishment that B received because of her mouth this afternoon.

It turns out that Red gave all adults at the cabin punishment privileges over her daughters. They now have several parents figures. B and gB thought we were their friends – now we are the enemy.

It did not help that Liz agreed with them. More later.

0 Bitches:

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