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Posts for Tuesday, March 25, 2008 (item)

Dani's Daily Update

Posted at 9:33 PM
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I know I have missed this blog - and from the look of my Imail account (about 300 messages) some of you have wondered WTF.

Well it started simply enough - we thought out Internet connection was down for most of one day then pops discovered we had equipment failure and once the replacement arrived he found we had MAJOR equipment failure. Everything was delivered Thursday afternoon but not all installed until late yesterday.

We left Friday for our normal Easter pilgrimage with the extended families and met moms at the airport in Indy on the way. They just returned from Germany and France and we had lots to talk about. All of our portables were left behind to be tested. Besides, what was a couple of more days.

We visited home yesterday and made it back here late evening. Pops connected the last pieces of equipment and everything passed the test but we still could not get to the Internet. As it turned out, our Internet connection was down last night and most of today.

As of 8 pm we seem to be alive and well. It'll take a couple of days to get going again. We are not sure where we left many things and pops portable is still at the shop getting the processor replaced.

So honey, I'm home!! And we'll be blogging soon.

Hope you all had a good Easter - we did and feel very rested and relaxed. More later.

0 Bitches:

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