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Posts for Wednesday, January 23, 2008 (item)

Another beautiful cold night

Posted at 6:58 AM
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It's me again - sorry there are not any new stories - Dani still arguing with red - pops is editing our story from the last two days - and listening to the discussion - i'm trying to seduce choc (that's Mark's nickname - our story will explain). I've got a jean skirt on that is suppose to be worn with shorts underneath but guess what....
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I forgot the shorts and Im wearing a boob shirt -t-shirt cutoff about an inch under my boobies. And for some reason I keep having an itch on top of my far boob - when I reach underneath I can feel the nipple of my other boob get hard from the cool air.....somebody on myspace says I'm naughty.....yep.

Mark & Mike left this morning - but Dani dared Mike to come back tonight and they did - the girl is fearless and relentless. Im not sure how pops is feeling - he's awfully quiet - but he is checking me out - so I know he's horny -me too. Can't tell if Mark is - he's really good at hiding his feelings.

I spent a hour or so on myspace - now I understand why it's for young people - too fucking hard for me to figure out - I browsed the people I'd like for friends and did not find a single soul. There's a link to go to my page right above the chat box on the blog - IF I ever figure out how to go private I'll let you guys with accounts be my friends - well only if you can make me come with your messages. :)

Dani and I are trying to adjust to a new schedule - pops has always gone to bed at 6 or 7 at night and gets up at 2 3 or 4 in the morning - says between 4 and 8 in the morning he can get 3 times more done then 9 to 5. Nobody to bug him. So Dani and I figured out if we do the same we can talk to many of our Ifriends because they all seem to sleep all day and stay up all night.

At 8 or 9 in the morning we're wide awake, freshly satisfied (sometimes) and ready to take on the world. We like it but it takes time to adjust - lately we've been taking a nap right after breakfast.

It is another very cold night-readout from pops' weather station says -5 at 60' - +1 at 10' - windchill -12 at 10'. Dani and pops have their robes on - we have company - with my outift I ought to be frozen but I'm nice and toasty as long as pops and Mark keep looking.

The moon is starting to set - I love the moon;not as harsh as the sun; and it has different moods - phases - full, half, crescent, harvest, new, invisible - just like me. It's just now behind Grand Pops and Son (don't know what that is read old posts you unfaithful few) and the frost around the window panes is starting to sparkle. In another half hour it will put everyone in silhouettes and let me see the strong points of their faces and bodies.

There is a very large barge coming out of the lock - I can see the moon reflecting off the tugboat's wake - it is really pushing hard to get the barge moving back to the center channel - or maybe it's trying to turn and come up the other river.

Sometimes I wish I could be riding with them - must take a certain path no matter what but at a slow speed - direction and decisions must be made LONG before they need to be executed - no big mistakes allowed -minor ones erased when the next barge comes along - the whole thing is liked I'd like my life to be - slow but exact - no BIG mistakes but little ones forgotten.

I'm going to write a story tomorrow night with the moon's influence - I'll start when I can see it thru the windows and i'll finish when it disappears. Could be fun.

0 Bitches:

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