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Posts for Sunday, January 20, 2008 (item)

Stubby & Skippy

Posted at 3:32 AM
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We were all in the kitchen trying to decide breakfast when Pops walked in and glanced at us sitting at the table (we're all trying to wake up - hair pinned up stickin every direction - skimpy t-shirts cause he's got it almost 90 in here - eyes still glued shut - looks like a slut convention) and he grabs his hot toddy and looks out the window and mumbles something about markets and feds fixing something.
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We ignored him and I said, "I'd give my left tit for some of your Swedish pancakes. He mumbles something then he walks over to the table saying D - left tit - pancakes (his short term memory is really fucked since they sliced and diced him) and Anal asks, What?"

Oops - he'll forget what because he can only remember one thing or phrase at a time - having a bad day. He looks at her and shrugs and walks back to the window and mumbles about the markets, gas prices and selling pussy futures and I think he's lost it.

A couple of us echo "What?" and he turns and says if the markets keep up this shit, I'll be broke next week - I'll have to put you four down at harbor point - we'll charge 50 for a blow, 75 for a fuck and 100 for around the world - sailors get discounts and a threesome will be $400 for anything. I'll be the richest man on earth by the end of next week!

(Now what the fuck have super markets got to do with his money and what's around the world???? Sometimes I think he be nutz)

Anyway he turns back around and I again say my left tit for pancakes - he starts mumbling again and walks over to me and holds out his hand. I look at him and he says left tit and I smack it. He walks back - no tit - no food.

And bbs motions us up and pulls off her top and bends over - we all pull off our tops and bend over. bbs hollers at pop and he turns around and she says "Please?" He walks around the table and says "I said no teasing!!!"

But he walks around again. Yep, I'll be the richest man on earth and we all pull our tops on and sit down laughing crying tears and just then we see someone at the pantry window.

It's Stubby (my most fav-O-rite person down here - he's got a peg leg and a dog called Skippy that only has three legs and one of them has the paw, from the lower joint down, amputated.

Stubby says shark took it in flood of 92. Stubby has a Harley trike painted really cool and a little box for Skippy on the back and the passenger seat is built so high that when you climb on behind him he can lean back and use your pussy for a headrest.

Anyway, Stubby or stumpy or pegleg, he don't care as long as it is more then 4 letters, will NOT go inside anything that does not float. So when he wants to talk to anyone he goes to a window and knocks on it and you have to either go outside or raise the window - he prefers the window cause he's got something to lean on.

He knocks and pops lifts the window and Stubby leans in, see us and says damn, got the beavers today. And pops says his timing was really bad, a second earlier you would have seen 4 beavers buck ass naked leaning over the table showing me the goods and Stubby says, yeah sure.

Bbs laughs, we all stand up but I notice she's grabbed the place mat and put it over her ass as she bent over. Anal grabs hers and does the same. Lisa and I have on thongs.

We make sure Stubby can see our back sides.

Stubby is real quiet and after a bit he says, "Skippy, get up here you gotta see this."

We are still rolling on the the floor and I am typing thru tears! - calling his dog to look at pussy....:) :) true companions for life!!

0 Bitches:

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