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Posts for Tuesday, January 22, 2008 (item)

A cold blustery morning

Posted at 5:35 AM
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It has snowed overnight - we are so engrossed in the happenings inside these four walls that we did not even notice. I'm sitting in the window seat at the far end of the 2nd floor opposite the "window wall" that I love so much.
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I can look over my shoulder to the east and see the street lights high up on cell point but they are very dim - hazy. The winds are building and blowing the snow up on the dam but down in the valley where this cabin sits, it is as quiet as early morning or late evening.

I can see whitecaps, I think that's what they are called on the rivers - that means it is very windy. I can see the trees on the far banks disappear - must be the snow blowing and blocking my view. Now the channel markers lights have disappeared.

I wish the moon would come out from behind the clouds -the moonlight would add to this beautiful scene I'm studying over the railing and outside the window wall. The fireplace is casting flickering shadows across the room to the opposite wall. The monitors and dim desk lights are highlighting the peoples faces sitting so far below me.

They are arguing - actually only two of them are. They are arguing about love and sex. To me they are different things that can be connected. To Dani they are different things that have nothing to do with each other. My brain hurts - I can see both sides but Dani needs to know which is right - she only sees in black and white - there are no grays.

It is unbelievable, Grand Pops and Son (the stain glass mural at the very top of window wall) appears to be brighter then a minute ago. My eyes must be adjusting to the low light. No, they just got brighter and I can see the top of the lock towers - it must be close to daylight.

But it is very dark behind me and I can see the shadow of the cabin in the snow - it's like there is a very weak sun - I know what it is - wow, the wind must be clearing the skies and letting the moon come out.

Yea, I can see the glitter on the snow and the ice crystals in the riverbank grass are back. Now Dani's head is highlighted from behind - her face in silhouette where before it was dimly lit. I wish for something in my new home and it always comes true. I have goosebumps - goosey - I wonder what that word means. Heh, I have goosebumps and a smile - I'm goosey.

It's time for sleep - I'm losing my grasp of reality.

2 Bitches:

Anonymous said...

Please tell me where you are - it sounds so beautiful

Anonymous said...

Yes, please, please keep it up - where is this?

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