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Posts for Tuesday, September 9, 2008 (item)

Pops Notes – Sep 9 2008 by Pops

Posted at 1:28 AM
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Everyone is still pretty sick – I took a cocktail of Pesto and Imodium two or three times and it did not take long for my stomach to settle down.

Dani never really got sick either but she played nurse and was worn out after a 14 hour day.

I watched my football and finally caught the end of NNS race.

Mom called the school nurse and several kids are sick. The boyfriend of gB stopped by Saturday morning and we figure he contaminated her, then she did me and the banana bread got the rest.

Luckily none of the other girls who went home Saturday morning got sick.

The cgs brought out many different things to try and Momtoo says she is fixed just very tired. The cgs stopped by tonight and think that gB is dehydrated so they took her to work with them. B didn’t want to miss out so in the end the girls took the 3 teens and things got much quieter.

I’ve been taking care of Fish’s needs – he was fine this morning. Liz called to tell me she had given him more electrolytes right before she went to the hospital.

I expect he’ll let me know pretty quick.

I’m trying to find a chess program online that Liz downloaded. My machines all clear browsing histories when the browser is closed and the main server cleans out it’ records and cache at midnight on Sunday so I can’t look it up.

The chess program is really good in that it offers NO hints and once you moved you are screwed.

It does analyze the game after you lose (no one had won yet). I copied the installation program from Liz’s machine and used the network to send it around to different machines.

When I cranked my copy it told me it determined I already had another copy running on a different machine – I would need another license but when I tried it could not find its website.

It told me it was having trouble getting to its site so it would allow me a temp license.

That was an hour or so ago. It just popped up and said it could not find it’s home DNS record so it would assume for now his website was gone for whatever reason so he granted me a full license.

I thought that was a neat way to handle the problem.

So here I sit with a baby next to me sleeping very peaceful, waiting for word from the hospital about the teens.

I also have 5 women in the house that aren’t putting out so I guess I’ll just let this game kick my ass for a while.

0 Bitches:

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