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Posts for Thursday, December 4, 2008 (item)

My Bad – Dec 4 2008 by Pops

Posted at 12:57 AM
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Last evening Dani had guests plus one.
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She had not seen Adam romantically (if that is what you call it) for over three weeks.

Adam, Bruce, and Erin came out, they got drinks and were talking at the bar. Dani asked Erin how Fire was doing and Erin commented that Fire was afraid of fraternizing with the boss. Dani and I laughed at that and she dialed Fire’s number.

When Fire answered, Dani gave her lots of static then told her the next time make sure she came out with Erin – she could do two at once – we all heard the front door open and I started laughing.

Fire came in and hugged Dani. She had waited in the car until Erin talked to Dani just in case there was a problem.

After a few drinks they retired to Dani’s room.

About ten minutes later Liz came down looking like she had just woke up. She told me she needed to talk to Dani – did I think she would be mad if she woke her up.

My mind was racing trying to come up with an explanation that Liz would take at face value.

I said Adam was visiting. Liz said it sounded like here was more than one person. I didn’t have an answer but I was trying hard to find one.

She walked over, gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and said she knew what an orgy was – her Mom would bring home three or four guys and send Liz to a friends for the night.

Liz wondered why she had to leave every time so one night she doubled back and watched her Mom and all the guys have an orgy.

Liz asked who was here and I listed them off. Liz wondered what the extra girl did then she clamped her hand over her mouth and started laughing.

I asked her what was so funny and she said now she knew what the classmates were talking about and she giggled some more. I decided I did not want to know any more. Luckily she kept it to herself.

As she went back upstairs she asked me to make sure Dani woke her up at least a half hour before she left – she needed some advice about sex.

I choked on my drink and she giggled all the way to her room. This morning Liz told Dani they had to talk in private. Mr. Nerd wanted her to do something and she didn’t know if it was sex or not.

I choked again.

This morning Red brought Fish over hoping me, Stubby and Captain could watch him. She knows we will never turn her down. She promised she was only working a half day and she would pay us when she picked up Fish around two.

Fish laid down for a nap around 130 and Red showed up shortly after.

Kim and Jim are in Arizona for the holidays. I have not seen Red without clothes for a long time. This afternoon she walked in, asked about Fish, spoke the code words and when I said yes she was naked in 10 seconds on her knees in front of Captain.

She paused long enough to ask about Stubby and was disappointed he was helping Cheese on the river. She was hoping to have all holes filled.

Me and Captain tried our best. That girl just has to have more than one person doing her otherwise she feels lonely.

Fish did not wake up until shortly before four and Red just barely collected her clothes and closed the bathroom door when her daughters and Liz came walking in the door.

B had just wondered where her mother was when Red walked out of the bathroom. B looked at her and said, “Well! We know what you’ve been doing.”

Red blushed and gB winked at me. B asked where Stubby was and Red said he just left. I wondered just how much her daughters knew but had no idea how to find out.

Captain invited Red for supper and she went to help. B watched her for a moment and yelled at her to get her bra out of her purse and wear it. Otherwise they would be hanging to her knees by next year.

We all got a laugh out of that.

So good last 24 hours. Davis and Debby went to a meeting this afternoon and Debby had strange pain near her belly.

Davis insisted on an ambulance but he thinks half the Fire department paramedics showed up. They all assumed he was the father and he did not explain different.

They carried her down four flights of stairs because the back board they had would not fit in the elevator with her on it.

The hospital took some pictures but nothing was found and so far – at least as of an hour ago, Henry reports she has had no other problems.

Liz has agreed to stay at Will’s cabin with her for a few days just in case.

Otherwise we miss you Moms and Lisa I do not have your flight numbers – please text me. Thanks.

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