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Posts for Friday, December 5, 2008 (item)

Dec 4 2008 by Pops

Posted at 12:19 AM
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Only 23 hours before my partner and nurse are due home. Lisa says jet lag really sucks and the eighteen hours on planes is a close second.
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She texted me that she really missed an Internet connection and could not wait to get back. When I told her she had over 500 messages waiting in her mailbag she txt something that sounds like Yuck. Heh!

Liz came down this morning wanting to know if she could have a party Friday. I asked for how many and she said about twenty. When I asked who she said people from school. I asked for a list and she said she was not sure who they were.

She was not happy when I told her I wanted to know exactly how many and exactly who they were. Then she asked if she could rent a room or suite at the hotel – I told her to call. When they asked her what for they said that all people would be carded at the door by a security guard and they all had to be over 21.

She was not happy at all when she plodded back upstairs to shower. She ran into Dani who told her she could use the conference room on the fourth floor of the building downtown but Liz was not sure how many of the kids would be able to go downtown.

She went upstairs and I could see the dejection in her posture.

Captain came out to get breakfast orders. He is gaining weight because he has been making a little of everything to cover all the bases but he ends up eating most the leftovers the rest of the day.

By taking orders he hopes to reduce the amount of food he fixes plus reduce his intake (and even though he did not say it I am sure he wishes to reduce my expense).

Liz came slogging down the stairs and Captain asked for her order then an explanation why she looked like she had lost her best friend.

She said she wanted to have a party but nobody was helping. He immediately offered to help and I told him to ask her who was coming. When he heard he told her he would need to know how many AND have permission slips from each of their parents with emergency contact numbers.

Liz wondered why and before I could answer Captain told her if they were under 21 he would be responsible for them while at the party.

She asked where and he told her the ball room in the boat house. I had forgotten it was even there.

She asked me and I told her that was Captain’s domain – deal with him. She followed him into the kitchen and they talked while she helped him get breakfast cooked.

Then she made up a permission form on her computer with his help and I reviewed it.

Liz was on cloud nine and could not wait to get to school. Captain asked if she wanted supper or just snacks and what to drink. When she started listing hard liquors Captain just stared at her until she saw and laughed telling him she was just teasing.

If anyone came with any alcohol she would personally kick their ass. Captain smiled and asked about decorations. None she said – just some way to listen to music.

As she was putting on her coat and starting out the door Dani asked what the party was for. Liz said an orgy and closed the door behind her.

Captain brought glass cleaner and paper towels so that Dani I could clean the coffee and orange juice we had spewed onto our screens and keyboards.

Captain asked if we thought she was joking and Dani said probably not. Captain got a strange look on his face and I told him we had better install some hidden cameras. Dani told us to use the infrared mode to make sure we didn’t miss anything. She was sure there would be enough heat from twenty or so teenagers in a darken room without supervision.

Captain swore and wondered what he got himself into. He was also going to call Stubby to get his take on it. Dani asked him to trust Liz this one time. If she broke that trust then he could talk to Stubby. He didn’t answer as he went back to the kitchen.

So we are having a party tomorrow night. Please hurry home Mom and Lisa –we might need your help.

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