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Posts for Tuesday, December 2, 2008 (item)

Dec 2 2008 by Pops

Posted at 4:23 PM
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Dani got home about ten last night totally exhausted. She got everything done so felt extremely satisfied.
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I got her a piece of pie and glass of milk. She fell asleep after four or five bites. Stubby carried her upstairs. He said she never woke.

At 5 am she was up, showered and ready to go. Captain made her a very large breakfast and she chatted with Mom and Lisa who were just going to bed. Lisa was amazed at the poverty she saw. She says she has about fifty children to bring home with her. The equipment she delivered is worth more money then most of these youngsters will see in their lifetime.

Dani hugged the teens when they came over for breakfast. Red and Fish joined them. Fish has the complete run of the house and he does run on his tiny knobby little knees and calloused tiny hands.

He first target was the small tree against the wall between the kitchen and garage hallways. He grabbed it trying to pull himself up but when the tree tipped and he sat hard on his butt he laughed and did it several more times. Red was worried he would pull it on top of him but around the corner was Captain holding the tree to make sure that did not happen.

When he saw Captain he wanted food NOW. Always does. Fish will not eat oatmeal for anyone BUT Captain. It pisses his Mom and sisters off.

Dani left early to study for another test but she came back to trade cars with Liz - Dani's car was out of gas and she did not have time to stop. Liz has heard her car from afar but had never heard it echo over the valley when Dani hit the main road and punched it.

Dani called - she knew Liz would love it. Dani could not figure out how to turn on the CD player/Radio. Liz apologized - her face plate was in her purse. Oh well. Dani called back at noon wondering if I knew what colors Liz liked. Dani had to drive a couple of hours away and stopped to buy a new face plate. She also bought Liz a remote control that sits on top of the center spoke of the steering wheel. Dani says it is really cool. Stubby asked that he let him buy it and give it to her for Xmas. That girl is spoiled so much.

Captain is buying her extra wide wheels and very wide rear tires for Xmas. She saw them on another Stang back at the big house. Denny and Cindy reported that a ten foot tree would not fit in the rec room (I could have told them that) so they moved the kitchen table and set it up under the skylight. Cindy says it looks so cool from outside. Oh, Moms, Cindy swears she felt the baby kick - is that possible?

OK, everything is good. Captain and I are installing the new cabinets in the pool showers tomorrow morning. The teens have most of the trees decorated on the balconies (which one of you whores bought 12 more trees and did NOT tell me?). So I need to buy lights and more trimmings?

BTW, Cheese and his crew will be here to hang the lights on the cabin and out buildings. I decided this year I am also decorating a bunch of trees. Might as well get my money out of the cherry picker since I have to rent it for the entire day.

Captain says he has a big surprise for Xmas. He has made the boat house off limits especially the dry dock area. I have no idea - I asked if he was decorating the inside of the boat but he said No, so I have no idea what is up his sleeve.

Guess that is it for now. Captain made meatloaf and leg of lamb for supper - the smells are trying to make my stomach jump out through my mouth. Later.

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