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Posts for Saturday, November 8, 2008 (item)

See Meat/Food or Seafood – Nov 7 2008 by Dani

Posted at 6:34 AM
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Last Saturday Captain asked me to go get some seafood at our favorite spot. He said Liz had gone the last two times and the quality had not been that good.
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I laughed and went looking for Liz. I told her how to dress and I met her at the front door. She wanted to drive which was fine with me. She was a very careful driver – UNLESS she saw her Dad, Stubby. Then she revved the engine and squealed the tires and shifted the automatic way too late letting the pipes cackle.

I asked her why and she said it pissed him off. I knew exactly how she felt.

Our favorite seafood spot was also a really good meat market and freezer service. It was right on the river next to a beach and water park – they owned it all. The beach and water park were closed for the season but people still used it as a park and a place to have a cookout.

The owners (really nice people) had two semi-trailer freezers backed up to what I called the front of the building, the part nearest the road. The wheels had been removed and if you stored meat here, you entered by walking up a steep set of stairs and one of the owners took what you selected. It was waiting for you at your car when you were ready to leave.

Whenever the river threatens they put the wheels back on, load everything into the freezer trailers and move them to higher ground and open back up for business.

Pops said they had always used cell phones since he had known them. Captain thought they were from Vietnam but he was not sure. He knew that their worst seafood was better then any other seafood in the area.

But Annie and I had learned a secret the first summer we were here. You could get really good seafood and extra portions from the guys IF you knew what to do.

The first secret was to be very friendly and act stupid. Second, wear the skimpiest swim suit bottom you had. Or in Annie’s case, no bottoms at all (little slut).

I usually wore a thong suit under a wrap that did not hide a thing. Annie just wore a short skirt, like both Liz and I wore today. We all wore the thinnest t-shirt we had and rubbed our nips before we got to the meat counter.

They also had a walk-in freezer with boxes of pre-made hamburgers, brats, and a good place to get your nipples hard and goose bumps all over. Why would we want to?

Because of the main room. The room with all the meat and seafood – the butcher’s corner as they called it.

We would always start at the left counter looking at the deli meats and bent over at the waist showing the ‘good stuff’ as Annie called it.

We took our time moving around the room to the back counter with the good beef, pork and lamb and finally the counter on the right that had the seafood.

The guys would keep a running conversation with us asking what we wanted. As long as we showed them the goods, we got the goods. Usually twice what we asked for. The first time Annie figured out their scam, she came over to me and rubbed me “under” my thong while they watched.

I do not think we paid anything all summer – as long as we gave them a show.

Last Saturday Liz and I showed the goods and got the good stuff. Crab legs half as big as my arm and tender as ever. Giant shrimp bigger then my hand and perfectly prepared.

Everything else Captain wanted, clams, popcorn shrimp, salmon fillets, white perch and a piece of swordfish for Momtoo. She loves it.

When I handed the cashier the credit card he asked how much sauce – that was the reason most people came – the sauce.

I mentioned Captain’s name and he handed me the credit card back saying next time and to tell Captain hello.

On the way back to the car I asked Liz how she felt and she said, “Naughty.” I asked if it was good or bad and she thought pretty damn good.

Captain gave Liz a hug and a kiss and wondered how she had done it when she handed him the packages. I think he came when he opened the box of salmon. I stayed in the background smiling.

When Liz bent over to get a soda from the fridge, Captain looked a little too long at you know where and I cleared my throat. He looked at me like I was the devil.

I shook my finger at him and he told me not to worry, he would never touch it, she was like his daughter.

Liz and I walked back to our rooms to change and she asked what that was about – I told her to be careful around here and she gasped then turned bright red.

She asked if Captain had looked – I told her he stared. She got redder and promised herself to always cover up right after she flashed.

I laughed.

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