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Posts for Tuesday, October 14, 2008 (item)

My Moon – Oct 14 2008 by Lisa

Posted at 4:33 AM
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An absolutely beautiful morning/evening depending on when you woke up. I’ve been up a couple of hours. Stubby got up about three hours ago and just went to sleep a few minutes ago.

The moon looked so clear tonight – the sky seemed extra black tonight – when I came down, Stubby and Davis had just finished a game of chess.

The classmates are back home until Wednesday so Davis has been coming here of an evening for company. Stubby and him have lots in common. Last night Davis got to see Stubby’s village.

Davis pulled a keychain from his pocket and handed it to Stubby and said he needed to ‘touch it up’ whatever that meant.

Stubby handed him a knife and they sat down together. Stubby grabbed a blank and a knife and they started talking in a strange language.

I went back to the cabin. Davis said it was about an hour later when they wanted a beer they noticed I was gone.

Liz and I have decided Stubby can drink beer down. He promptly drained three and burped really loud. He asked his daughter if he had done it right. She threw a bottle at him. He has only drunk two or three in the days since.

Stubby and Davis spent part of tonight looking for a deadwood to make a kitchen table and hutch from. Captain will build it but Stubby and Davis will decorate it. Cg1 drew the design she would like on the edges and doors. She draws as well as Captain.

Tonight Davis said goodnight as soon as he saw me. I asked why he was running away and he pointed at Stubby. It seems Stubby was worried about me being upset about not seeing him.

I told them both that as long as I get this (and I rubbed his crotch) every once in a while I would not get upset.

Davis told me not to worry as he was pretty sure I was going to get it very soon, like as soon as I got on the top deck and spread my legs.

He was right. Afterwards we watched the moon move low enough to see it through window wall. We sat quietly pointing out what we liked about the moon and wall.

Dani came down then Pops and Liz. Liz brought us coffee and muffins she had made yesterday with Captain. Banana/strawberry something with walnuts – they were great.

Pops wondered where Captain had gone – he heard his truck leave at 1:30 this morning. Stubby said he was working on some cabinets at a bar and he needed to do some things when no one was there. He thought he was stripping paint from a piano tonight but he was not sure.

Stubby and I went back to the third deck to drink our coffee and watch the barges come out of the lock – Cheese told us lots of barges would be going downstream this week early morning.

Stubby was surprised at the number he saw in the first hour. He wondered what they were hauling. He was going to make a run to the lock but decided he was too tired.

He finally went to bed and Liz asked us to start thinking of what we could do for his birthday. The problem is no one is sure when his birthday is. I am not even for sure how old he really is. When she tried to get his birth certificate at the court house (with a certified letter from him) they could not find it.

The clerk pointed out he may not have been born here. When we asked he said he could not remember the day he was born or where he was at.

Liz was not happy but kept quiet. Captain said he might be able to help but he had not been able to reach someone yet.

Dani and I have class this morning – my only school day this week. Stubby and I are leaving later today for GA on Pops Harley. I have never taken a motorcycle trip before and he has missed it so I agreed.

We’ll be back when we get back is what he keeps telling me and Liz. Who knows for sure.

So a beautiful day followed by a beautiful night. I think Dani described her emotions with a BIG sigh. I agree, that’s the way it feels.<

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