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Posts for Monday, January 28, 2008 (item)

Update From The Beach

Posted at 11:07 AM
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Hay everyone,

Another, beautiful, hot day today but not a lot of sun. We're sitting on the balcony checking Imail and I see that pops is getting quite a few comments about his How I Met The Girls story. I'm forwarding them to his email so yell at him not me.
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We have over 200 email addresses and pops will send out invites soon. If you come here and you are blocked, please check your email.

Lisa and I got yelled at for letting the girls from yesterday think that pops was screwing his daughter. Oh well, they had a good laugh over it. Moms and the two girls are going to meet up in April somewhere.

Last night the sluts went into the downtown area to look around and get something to eat. The only problem - it was shut down. Not one restaurant or shop was open.

When the cruise ships leave, they all close up because the locals can't afford their stuff. We came back to the resort and the restaurant was also closed. We talked to the concierge and he asked what kind of food we wanted - we said Italian but were actually joking. He said 45 minutes and 45 minutes later he knocked on the door, rolled in a table and we had some of the BEST food ever.

He even gave us a great bottle of wine and we normally don't drink it. Later we checked with the desk clerk and she told us that the two guys we described had left that morning.

We headed to the bar and had the place to ourselves. We asked the bartender if there were any clubs nearby. She said not even on a good night. We asked where she partied and she said she had 4 kids and lived a block away.

She didn't look like she had 4 kids. Moms said they talked to her when they first arrived and she told them the best place to go was as a guest on one of the cruise ships. Our luck, not a one was docked and none were expected until Wed after we leave. Oh well.

We headed for pops room but moms and the two girls were playing some stupid game. We asked the girls if they had gotten permission from mom yet. When mom asked we let them and pops explain. We left but moms yelled at us to come back. They chewed our ass for 10 minutes. The entire time pops was trying not to laugh.

We told pops to give us an hour and come to visit; we'd put on our new bikinis -the kind he liked so much - the kind that just had a size tag and not much else.

They all laughed about that. One hour later we heard a knock on the door and we stripped down and both went to the door. It was the girls and they told us they liked to tie the young ones up and take advantage of them.

Lisa said she'd never tried that before and invited them in. Pops tried to follow but I pushed him back out the door and locked him out. We girls laughed and joked for a while and they went to bed.

Moms said this morning that pops had come back rejected because he really wanted to see us tied up. Momtoo said he was so rejected we tied him up and went to our room. When we asked pops about it he never answered.

So a nice relaxing day - hopefully the sun will come out soon.

Lisa and I played a joke on one of the staff. She's worn the same type of thong swim suit to get perfect tan lines. She normally wraps something around her bottom when she comes into the resort.

This morning she wanted another cup of coffee and started out the door with her ass hanging out. I told her that I'd be a minute or so behind her and when I came into the cafe I'd get mad at her for not asking if I wanted anything.

Then I'd bend her over and spank her. She laughed and took off walking. I noticed she was walking on her toes as if she had high heels on. And boy was she swinging her perfect little ass.

I followed after she turned the first corner and when I turned it the male desk clerk was stretched over the counter to watch her walk down the hall.

As I walked past I told him I'd get him a better look later. I walked into the cafe and there were about 15 people eating. So we canceled that plan and we walked back to the desk. I pulled her behind it and bent her over the counter.

I thought the clerk was going to faint. Then I pulled the back of her thong down just above her butthole and asked how he liked her tan lines. I think he did faint for a moment. Then he grinned and grinned and Lisa shook her ass.

We walked back to the room barely able to contain ourselves. She had walked back with her thong half way down. We laughed until we cried.

0 Bitches:

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