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Posts for Wednesday, December 24, 2008 (item)

Dec 23 2008 by Lisa

Posted at 12:07 AM
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I wonder if I can still do this? It has been so long.
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Dani and Moms went to a neighboring island and found a wonderful place to shop – they missed the shuttle home but found a very nice place to spend the night.

Dani asked me to update the blog so here I am.

Weather is beautiful – it’s 76 with a very nice breeze. I just talked to Captain and it is barely above freezing back home. He has more than a quarter inch of ice on everything and about an inch of snow with more expected. He is loving it. He really likes this weather.

He and Cheese had just returned from retrieving a car from the river. Lady spun on the ice hit the guardrail wrong and flipped it into the river. She’s in the hospital warming up. Cheese and Captain pulled the car onto a barge for the police. He said the trunk was full of Xmas presents that are all ruined now.

Some people just have no luck.

Debby is back in the hospital. Cg1 did not like her blood pressure readings so Debby agreed to spending tonight in observation and spending Christmas at home.

Pops set up cams at home and we are going to have a video conference call on the computer tomorrow night to open gifts even though we are a few hundred miles apart.

Pops, Henry, Rose and Stubby tried it out tonight. Stubby thinks we ought to make all phone calls that way.

Liz wanted to show Captain her ass but Pops had already stowed the camera. Captain was very disappointed so I took a picture of her bent over and sent it to him. I did not notice, did not even look at the photo before sending it, she was sans underwear and she did not realize all of her privates would be visible with a flash.

Captain called back and told me if I ever did that again without warning him he would make a double dildo that he would insert without benefit of lube and make straps that attached ‘through’ my nipples and ear lobes to hold it in place.

I told him I could not wait and he cussed. When I saw the picture I first yelled for Liz then apologized to Captain but did get him to agree she is very nice looking from that angle.

Liz looked then turned redder then the roses in our room. She then said fuck and put her hand behind her as if she was trying to cover up the picture.

The third time she said fuck Captain told me he hoped he had a few years before he had to watch that. I laughed and he said his adopted little girl had sure grown up fast.

We hung up and Liz said she was going to quit shaving – if she still had hair most of her would have been covered. Without thinking I told her she would ‘hate’ it once it grew back.

Erin came in and asked who that was in the picture. I just smiled and Liz mouthed thank you to me. Then Erin said she would love to eat that. Then she covered her mouth while saying fuck and apologized to us. Liz turned bright red again and left the room.

I spread my legs and told her to get busy. If my writing seems disjointed you’ll know why.

Goodnight – btw, we are all sleeping on the beach tonight – suck it kids.

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