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Posts for Tuesday, November 11, 2008 (item)

Nov 11 2008 - Evening by Dani

Posted at 10:21 PM
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Pops doc brought him home this afternoon with a portable oxygen machine - I think it makes it's own or something.
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It is fairly small, battery/AC operated, quiet and can fit into a back pack. As soon as his doc left, Pops put it on a closet and has not worn it since.

The doc brought two nurses with and when they gloved up I warned everyone to cover their buttholes - these girls looked to prefer anal thermometers. They laughed and checked us all.

The result - we have a virus that affects the respiratory system and I think it kills the immune system but they didn't say that.

The teens wanted something so they got some very mild antibiotics and a shot - probably of B vitamin or something. They did seem to perk up after about an hour but they didn't look any better.

After the medics left, Pops gave everyone a small pill and said the doc told him they would help.

And in about two hours everyone did seem in better spirits and Red even ventured home for a bit. Stubby told Lisa he was horny and Lisa told him to pick on me. I told him where to put his monster but it was in his own body.

Lisa just showed me the bottle containing the pills we took. Inert - placebo - not-even-sugar-pill. It was all in our heads. She gave Liz another and she actually seemed to feel good enough to take a quick walk on the treadmill but she did not last long - too soon Lisa told her.

We ate more chicken soup - this time with perfect dumplings - yum, yum. Cheese even ate with us and said he never gets this when he is sick - usually he just gets a swift kick in the ass.

Lisa caught Stubby, Pops and Captain smoking - she was not happy and told them all where their dicks would end up if she caught them again. I wonder if they would close the lock down to look for three severed penises?

The second time they did it I went with them - I bad - but it clears my sinuses. Sorry Moms.

Time for sleepy-bye.

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