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Posts for Monday, November 10, 2008 (item)

Nov 10 2008 by Dani

Posted at 3:56 AM
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Some days everything sucks.
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No matter what you do, no matter what planning, no matter backups you have in place - everything still sucks.

Last night I sat through about a thousand pictures the kids took of trees. Not that is was boring, some of the pictures were really beautiful. I've asked Pops to 'break' the connection between the photo server and the TV or at least use only the great room TV. The kids made my bed the center of attention while we watched the pictures on my TV.

I was so glad when Liz finally saw me yawn the hundredth time and determine I was tired and not feeling very well. I was frozen under several blankets. She texted an apology a little later when I was almost asleep. Thoughtful girl.

This morning I woke up to someone shaking me. The teens were here all with fevers. Captain was in front of the fire under two heavy quilts - Pops was beside him with an electric throw blanket. Stubby was banking the fire wearing a heavy coat and a blanket around that.

Lisa was on another couch under the bear skin and wearing a hooded coat. It looked like she had gloves on.

It was about a hundred degrees in the great room in front of the fireplace but they were all shivering. What they didn't know - I was still sick and just as cold as them. I sat on the hearth with my back to the fire and when my back was cooked I laid on my side with my front facing the fire. When I felt just about ready to burst into flames, I crawled into the blankets and sleeping bags with the teens. They loved it.

I woke up with one of the girls wrapped around my legs, another in front and the last one curled up against my back. We were nice and toasty. Davis was handing out cups of soup and tea and then I saw the classmates on the floor in front of the fireplace. They were hugging each other shivering. Davis said Lisa left work at one and the classmates left at two. He brought them here since he heard others were sick and he was to leave for Chicago this morning.

He didn't know he was going to be the nurse for all of us. Red and Fish got here with her just as bad as the rest of us. Pops took Fish and made a tent for them at the end of the couch on a big pillow. Last glance showed they were sound asleep.

I had antibiotics ready to fight whatever - I had all the pain relievers and fever fighters you could want. I have plenty of juice - I have extra TP, hot water bottles, ice packs, heating pads, electric blankets, electric throw blankets even electric hunter's socks. We have the furnace set to 80 and Davis is in shorts and still sweating.

Erin called late last night - she and Fire are sick. So even thought we were all washing our hands several times a day and not sharing silverware or glasses, we are all sick again. Pops says he is throwing out the antibacterial crap and we can all share everything - maybe we won't get so sick.

Cg1 just woke and told us the entire third floor of the hospital, pediatrics including patients and staff are all sick. They called an extra shift in to care just for that floor. Someone said it was a virus. She shivered, Cg2 hugged her and they went back to sleep.

This sucks - I've drank a half carton of orange juice and some whiskey - I am still frozen am writing this under a blanket. The laptop is shivering from me. Later when I warm up.

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