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Posts for Monday, June 9, 2008 (item)

Blog Update-2 June 9, 2008

Posted at 11:15 PM
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Hi everyone! It’s been a while since I have graced these pages with my presence. Today I am doing so because I am all that is left.

Water rose above the evacuation level about mid-morning so everyone there spent the morning putting things out of harms way and Stubby has moved into the upper guard house (as he calls it) and is keeping an eye on about ten different places including his own.
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Stubby loves floods – he insists that people pay him a set fee monthly. Pops has a case of his favorite beverage delivered monthly. Since that beverage is already a few years old, the 15 or 20 cases he has in his spare bedroom just keep getting better – and Pops just dropped off another five.

I must admit something – Stubby is the most dependable person on this river – even after drinking three or four bottles of his favorite beverage. Plus he makes the best river water I have ever tasted.

So everyone is in protect it mode – Dani is the only one that has been through it before – the rest if them are stumbling trying to follow Pops and Stubby’s orders. Jeni said it was pretty comical. She said Cheese showed up to secure some outside stuff and was laughing so hard he had to sit and relax.

About noon Grannie’s nurse called. Grannie had been watching the early noon news and watched a piece that our area would be under water within thirty minutes. She has had another stroke and Dani and Pops are on the way. William got a chopper to land on the upper road next to the coffer dam and get them to the hospital very quickly.

Captain called and wanted to know if I knew what to do. I had no idea so I had him call Mom. She got him going and by 2 pm everything was secure. Cheese even commented that it was going smoothly when he came back for the second load.

Dani, Pops, Cindy, Jeni and Moms vehicles were all hauled away by barge and are safe someplace. Captain took the boat back to the boat yard and they were going to dry dock it

Me and Cindy got a suite downtown. Everyone else headed home but called about 3 to tell me the main road we take to get back home was closed and they had to go thirty miles out of there way. So we are staying put for now.

Just heard the Corp of Engineers are shutting down a few hundred miles of the Mississippi because of the flooding. It showed that it is raining on almost the entire river north of us. And it is not sprinkles – it is heavy rainfall.

This could be a long term deal. Someone will try to give a daily update.

Oops – been delayed for a couple of hours – Stubby called – Captain was back without wheels and did NOT want to spend any time with Stubby – he would turn into a bigger drunk then he already is.

So Cindy and I went out and rescued him. He was going to go home but his house is being converted to a B&B. So tonight he is staying with us in the extra bedroom in the suite.

I talked to Pops and Grannie is resting but they have not been able to evaluate her fully. He said she is only using one hand to type right now. Her first sentence was “Fuck that hurt”.

Dani is still laughing. Pops told me to find Captain his own suite or grab suite next door and we’ll take over the floor by the end of the week.

He told me he has almost a foot of water in the crawl space at the big house and had to borrow the neighbor’s truck to get home. He and Dani are spending the night in a hotel at home.

Cindy and I are going shopping for life rafts in the morning. We just watched the news and my home town was featured. You must go 65 miles out of the way to visit friends on the opposite side of town. All roads and bridges in town are flooded. The water is so swift boats are not even safe.

We have to go to sleep – we all have to be up before 5 to handle different things. Someone will keep all advised daily. Don’t bother checking – this message is going to ALL blogs and sites. Bye.

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