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Posts for Saturday, April 5, 2008 (item)

Annie's Sympathy Fuck – Part 12

Posted at 3:45 PM
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That evening Dani and I met at a local pub for a couple of drinks and to plan the night with our first computer tech.

It was decided I would just exhibit the first few times but if he turned out to be easily taught I could join in at any time.
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We decided that first he needed to learn how to treat a woman as a woman. Second had to satisfy her and fuck her properly.

Then after he had mastered that we’d take it to the next level and treat him to the extras a woman can do for him, like blowjobs and two at once etc.

I would assume the role of observer and critic. I figured I was going to need some relief after our sessions so I made a phone call and setup a quickie for late that evening.

Dani and I always wanted a better feel for the guys we were training and liked to visit wherever they lived. In this case, he lived with his parents and that brought another question to mind but I kept it to myself.

We pulled into the drive and he was waiting for us. He was dressed very nice and when he gave us each a hug he smelled very good.

Now normally a man’s real scent was all I wanted but in this case whatever he was wearing was really good.

I asked about it and he had to get the bottle of body wash he had used. Honey and something – I liked it.

He showed us the house that was tastefully decorated and actually fit him very well.

When we got to his room we were surprised. He actually had a suite of rooms. And it was so neat we accused him of hiring a maid. He told us his mother taught him how to clean up after himself.

He had one room that pops would have loved – it had at least a dozen monitors in it and was about 30 degrees hotter then the rest of the apartment. It was not messy, just stuffed with computers everywhere.

He invited us to sit and made us a drink – Dani had clued him in and he had a GIANT bottle of Jack. Dani asked if he was going to use alcohol to get our pants off. He said he thought that was a given.

His dad liked Jack to so we gave him a break but he left and came back with another giant bottle still sealed and said he could get us three more if we wanted.

So we asked about his parents – when did he expect them to return? He said sometime in August and we must have looked confused because he said he was just house sitting here in town. He had a house about 20 miles away that his sister and her daughter shared with him.

His sister was 40 years old and had a 18 year old daughter. She had moved in three years ago after catching her husband screwing around. They had never found a reason for her to leave.

When his parents were overseas he stayed in town to house sit. When we asked where they were at he said home. We must have looked confused again and he said his parents lived in Sweden and had moved here for jobs 30 years ago.

His parents had started a new company and were very successful. They decided to move back to Sweden but their kids wanted to stay in America.

So his parents came to visit for his niece’s birthday in August, came back for their daughter’s and his birthdays in November, spent Christmas in the states and left two days before New Years for home.

Dani asked why he did not work for their company and he told us they had sold it and his sister and he had a lifetime position on the board but no active duties.

She asked why her worked and he blushed a little and said to find women. I asked women or pussy. He smiled and said he thought they were both the same. We all laughed and Dani commented we had way too much information for our informal sessions.

He asked what she meant and she told him frankly that once he was trained we would probably never fuck him again. He frowned and I immediately told him not to get attached. We were simply tools to use.

Once our job was done he would not need us again. He was still not happy but Dani told him to cheer up.

By the end of the night he would no longer be a virgin and hopefully by the end of the two weeks he would be able to get into any woman’s pants with confidence.

He smiled and said OK.

Dani patted the couch beside her and told him it was time for lesson one.

She talked about how he should treat a woman and certain things to avoid. He learned quickly.

Dani told him to assume the date or plan to get the girl alone had gone well. The next step was to get his dick wet.

She showed him how to kiss and when to use his tongue and how to hold and caress a woman to get her wet.

After he figured out most of that he asked if she was wet so she taught him how to remove a woman’s clothes and before long she was naked and I was wet.

She got him out of his clothes and his cock was throbbing like it had a life of its own.

She had never touched it and told him most women avoided it. If a woman wanted to play with it or whatever, let them. They were doing what they liked and always let a woman do what she liked.

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